Home for the holidays now. Not exactly sure what to do with myself and my free time. Have plenty to do just no ambition at the moment. Got a lot of cleaning done at least. Also forgot transfer paper so a few of my projects are on hold for now. In the mean time I've been looking for inspiration. 
I dislike finals, exams, and tests in general. So I'm going to talk about something else instead: preparation for Diploma Works is over now it's time to get to the real stuff. I'll still be doing character designs and sketches over break, but I'll also be gathering information for my paper/start writing the paper, searching for materials like shirts and what-ever-other clothe like material strays across my grasp (this is a warning to anyone who leave clothes lying around.) Not saying I'll do your laundry, but I may take your shirt and paint something on it without the intention of giving it back...
It's the last week before finals and things are really moving fast including my ability to ink character designs. The final in my Dependent Life Drawing class was to create two new characters by December 3rd. At first I thought it wasn't going to be a problem, then I looked at my schedule and my lack of studio time before the due date. Luckily I'm an expert at swindling studio time and I was able to get both characters onto illustration board and inked on Tuesday. Today I plan on adding a few layers of color after . 
Wall space is becoming a limited thing in my studio. Seeing my characters and illustrations spread out over my wall is kind of neat, but running out of push-pins is not. 