Still doing character sketches but I'm having difficulty creating characters that are more cute then creepy. I'm not sure if it's because I'm under stress that everything I draw looks scary. The things that I find to be "cute" usually are a bit off compared to other people. Example: I think jumping spiders are adorable with their big eyes and fuzziness.  Other people are terrified of their teleportation abilities and can't get past the thought of the tinny critter teleporting onto their face. 
SO I have to figure out how to get people to see "cute" before registering "creepy" in their minds when they see my characters. 

The most boring busy day of the week: Tuesdays. I won't annoy you wit the details, but basically I am trapped inside the school library for over 7 hours. If you were to ask anyone else they'ed tell you that I "work" there. The truth is it's a trap where you become paralyzed for hours by the florescent lights imbedded in the ceiling, but that's just my theory. 

On another note I recently realized that my characters don't have a name. They're a breed of creature so they need some sort of title like Smurf or Snork. Something people will be able to identify; have a picture in their head. I was originally saying that the characters were a part of a series called Morbidly Cute, but I need to be able to collectively call them something. I'm going to draw up some mind maps and brain storm but if you have any suggestions please feel free to comment! 
This week has not been fun for me; I was hit with a cold last Sunday and I've been tag-teaming with my immune system to get rid of it. Luckily for me my immune system kicks ass and the cold has been defeated. Now that I'm feeling better my sketching has improved. I tried drawing in my Life Drawing class on Monday and what was supposed to be a foot looked more like...well it didn't look all. I didn't even what to show the sketches to my instructor. She looked at me like: "What the hell is that?" 
This was my face and response --> O_o  *sniff*.
So I'm supposed to write a two paragraph explanation of my Diploma Works project idea, but I'm going to explain what Diploma Works is to those who do not know the joys of Diploma Works prep. Diploma Works is the class that more or less decides whether or not you graduate. It's a pass or fail 6 credit class. The good news is I'm only taking Diploma Works Prep, which is literally what is says: preparation for Diploma Works. Bad news is if you don't pass prep you don't get to move on to the actual class and the result is a re-do of your senior year. Sounds like fun, huh? 
Usually I'm not a blogger, but with this I plan on writing kind of like a journal and update what I've been doing in the studio and my free time. For example: tonight with some friends I am going to the First Friday gallery openings up in Calumet. It's the first First Friday of the new semester so I hope its a good one. 
Also, I just realized my website has pink...I don't usually like pink, but it works well so maybe I'll leave it.